Hello folks and welcome to the ramblings of the Brixham Presidents.
As you are aware Chrissie and I agreed to share the office of President this year. It is the first time this has been done in our club so let’s hope it works out well.
The following two photographs were taken at a AGM , one in 1992 and one in 2022.

No points for guessing which is which.
We have a few things in the pipeline.
Chrissie has chaired the meetings in May and I will do so in June. This will continue throughout the year.
We had a pleasant breast cushion making evening at the club. It was good to sit in different seats and chat to other members. Judging by the chatter and laughter it was a successful evening with a lot of cushions being made and all sewing abilities were catered for.
We also had a very good boules afternoon at the Berry Head Hotel. The weather was grey and windy at the start of the afternoon and none of the participants knew anything about the game, but thanks to Heather Damerell and Sheila Andrews, who looked it up on a computer, we had a good game with lots of laughs. At the end of the afternoon the sun came out and the wind died down and we all enjoyed tea and scones out in the open. Thanks to the Berry Head for allowing us to use their facilities and to Sheila and Heather for organising it. It turned out to be a very enjoyable afternoon.
As well as our usual meetings we also have coffee at the beach hut on 6th June.
Chrissie and I are off to the regional AGM in Yeovil on the 24th June and look forward to meeting members from other clubs.
We are trying to arrange a beach clean in June. This may turn out to be a park clean. as most of our beaches are regularly cleaned by the council.
We also have our Interclub meeting on July 21st. I am really looking forward to meeting Lesley Pearse.
That’s all for now folks.
Take care. Yours in Friendship,
Chrissie and Anne.