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Saturday, 18 January 2025

PA International

The objects and commitment of Soroptimism are upheld by working within the six program areas of:

• Economic and Social Development
• Education
• Environment
• Health
• Human Rights and the status of women
• International Goodwill and Understanding

Every 4 years Soroptimist International (SI) adopts an international joint service project which involves all clubs worldwide:

provided safe water for many villages in Senegal.
helped the poorest women and children in the highlands of Peru.
helped set up a network of under-fives clinics in Bangladesh giving special emphasis to blindness prevention.
in collaboration with the Population & Community Development Association in Thailand SIAM (Soroptimist International AIDS Mediation) developed and implimented income generating projects in villages to dissuade young women from entering the commercial sex industry.
in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross supported the project "Limbs for Life" which aimed to restore human dignity to the victims of land mines by supplying artificial limbs and promoting physical and psychological recovery in Afghanistan, Angola and Georgia.


The quadrennial project for 2004-2007 was "Project Independence - Women Survivors of War" - Soroptimist International and Women for Women International provided direct aid to help women in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Rwanda provide basic needs for themselves and their families; skills and leadership training to give women the tools they needed to rebuild their lives, and microcredit loans to help women start an income-generating project or business as they look towards the future.

The new project for 2007-2011 is "Project SIerra", a partnership between Soroptimist International and Hope and Homes for Children which aims to raise over £1 million to transform the lives of some of the most deprived women and children in the world, in Sierra Leone.


Within the Federation of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) we support international projects and seek to raise public awareness of issues; for more information follow this link to the UK Program Action site.