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Saturday, 22 February 2025

Program Action News

Operation Christmas Child 11/2024

Members from S I Brixham gathered at a members home to fill 40 Shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.


Operation Christmas Child web

We delivered them to st Mary’s church and the boxes are destined for children in Malawi


Coffee Morning 08-03-2023

International Women's Day - Coffee Morning

International Womens day 2023

A member held a coffee morning at her home to celebrate International Womens Day.

The money raised bought two taps in Kenya through the Tap Twinning org.

144 million people still have to source their water from rivers and lakes.

Breast Cushions 2023

We had a speaker arranged for January 2023 but unfortunately she was taken ill on the day before the meeting; Jane suggested that we could sew the Breast Care Cushions that we make for Torbay Hospital, one of our ongoing projects.

  Breast Cushions


It was a pleasant evening of sewing and chat, you see here our 2 Joint Presidents, sewing and clearly enjoying the meeting.


Shoe Boxes 2022

Six club members packed 50 shoe boxes which will go to children in war torn countries

shoe boxes 2022

SI Brixham Tukuk 2020

After attending a SIGBI conference some years ago, we watched a presentation given by Mary Storrie, founder of the Rosie May Foundation Pink Tuktuk project.

The project was set up to help women and children in Sri Lanka after the Christmas tsunamis of 2004 and our club decided we would like to help.

After many many months we produced a hand embroidered double quilt which consisted of some of the International flowers of some of the Soroptimist countries.

   Quilt Full croppedRosie May Quilt

Then after many more months of selling raffle tickets at various events we managed to raise enough money to cover buying a Tuktuk and training women to drive and maintain it.


SI Brixham Pink TukTuk


Just recently the daughter of one of our members was holidaying in Sri Lanka and was able to visit Project Hope, a school set up by the Rosie May Foundation. She was picked up by one of the women drivers in the pink Tuktuk with Brixham Soroptimist logo on the back. A very proud moment for our members to see their hard work had come to fruition.

International Women's Day 2013

  International Women's Day 2013



Brixham Soroptimists marked International Women’s Day on Friday 8th March by inviting women from other clubs, Inner Wheel and RNLI Lifeboat Guild, to join them on the gangway of The Golden Hind in Brixham in order to support their campaign for Violence Against Women.   One in three women will be raped, beaten or abused in her lifetime so enough is enough!



Mr Simon Reed the owner of the Golden Hind very kindly allowed his boat to be used for this occasion.

Mayenziwe Project Cheque Presentation

Mayenziwe Project Cheque Presentation 2012


In February 2012 the Club was able to present Chris Helyer from the Mayenziwe Project with a cheque to enable him to build a toilet block for girls at a school in the Eastern Cape South Africa.

Mywayenzie Project cheque 2012

Carers Day 2011

Carers Day 2011


Club members made cakes, biscuits and served tea and coffee at The Young Carers Fun Day in Paignton. Donations of £80.15 were received for the refreshments which was given to The Young Carers Fund





Breast Care Unit - Torbay Hospital


Several Club members  have been busy making specially shaped cushions for the relief of pressure after surgery for patients of the Breast Care Unit at Torbay Hospital. The cushions were presented by Vice President Jane Lancaster. The heart shaped design is particularly effective in relieving the weight and pressure of the arm on the affected side of the body




International Women's Day 2011

International Women's Day 2011


On Sunday 6th March 2011, to mark International Women’s Day 100th anniversary, our club organised a rally at the Princess Theatre, Torquay where there were stands depicting aspects of programme action work. The rally was attended by both Brixham and Torquay clubs, Inner Wheel, Women’s section of The Royal British Legion and other ladies. The mayor of Torbay, Nick Bye also attended.


At noon the ladies crossed to The Rock Walk where they joined hands to form a bridge of hope and peace just as was being done in many countries around the world




Project Sierra



On December 6th 2010, Club member Angela Payne organised a “Kick start to Christmas” morning at her home. Stores and bakeries donated mince pies and tea, coffee and mulled wine was served. Her daughter gift wrapped presents taken along by members and guests for a small fee. A raffle of Christmas table decorations and other festive goodies was held and £220.40 was raised for Project Sierra






On June 6th 2010, Club members were joined by family and friends both two legged and four legged and walked part of the South West coast path to raise funds for Project Sierra Halfway throuth the walk we stopped at club member Wendy Ashley’s home for coffee and cakes. We were joined here by some less abled bodied members who also  enjoyed the sunshine and the spectacular view. Well fortified our walkers then completed the walk and it was agreed that a good time had been enjoyed by all as well as raising £150.00 for Project Sierra



Sierra_Walk_2010 Sierra_Walk_2010a-1

Soup Supper 2010

Soup Supper 2010



To mark World Food Day members enjoyed a soup supper before the start of their October business meeting. Members May Harland and Joyce Cowling made and served delicious soup and member Jessica Beatty, a baker, donated bread rolls.


£107.00 was raised for the local women’s refuge and members also collected various household products that were donated to the women’s refuge in Torbay.

Operation Christmas Child 2010

Operation Christmas Child 2010




Brixham President Pam Evans and President Elect Sheila Andrews and other club members braved the rain to deliver shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Picture shows left to right Caroline Stockwell, Sheila Andrews, Marjorie Reeves, Pam Evans, Julia McLeod.

Beat The Drum

Beat The Drum





On Sunday 1st August 2010, we organised a display on the old fish quay to mark the coming into force of the international ban on Cluster Munitions. The Brixham event which was watched by many people, was helped by the local Samba Jam Band which are a fairly new local band with ages ranging from 5 years to “vintage”. Informative leaflets were distributed, Purple Teardrop campaign petitions signed and a great deal of interest was shown.

We are at present filling shoe boxes with toiletries, snacks etc., which will be sent to the frontline troops in Afghanistan to mark the International Day of Peace in September.




Message from Kate Moore (SI Nantwich)




Dear President and members of SI Brixham

I am working at the 1st Meeting of States Parties of the Cluster Munition Convention in Lao

This morning the CMC officially issued their report on the Entry into Force on the 1st August.    You cannot imagine how proud I was to be a Soroptimist when I turned to the page for the UK.   There were only two short entries, one from the CMC for their event in London, and.......... they had chosen to report on and show your photograph.   Once again, our Soroptimist name is before over 500 campaigners here, and also the many official country delegates who are attending this conference.

I have borrowed a Serbian friends computer - so can you please share this exciting news with your Region PA Officer and if possible Hilary Ratcliffe


Warmest congratulations to you all

Excitedly, in Soroptimist friendship


Kate Moore
(SI Nantwich)

Board of Directors
AOAV  Action  on Armed Violence (formerly Landmine Action)