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Sunday, 13 October 2024


The word "Soroptimist" is related to two latin words "soror" meaning sister and "optima" meaning best. We say Soroptimists are "women at their best helping others to be their best".

Soroptimist International (SI) is an organisation of women representing the business and professions and is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with category one status with UNESCO and WHO.

The vision of Soroptimism is to be a global voice for women though awareness, advocacy and action. Together, through international goodwill, understanding and friendship, we will strive for:
• The advancement of the status of women
• High ethical standards
• Human rights for all
• Equality, development and peace

SI now has over 95,000 members in over 120 countries and all clubs follow the same principles although we reflect the diversity of the communities from which we come.

SI is split geographically into 4 Federations:

Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI)
The Americas (SIA)
Europe (SIE)
South West Pacific (SISWP)

Each Federation is then divided into regions

SI Brixham is in the South West and Channel Islands region of SIGBI


There are 17 other clubs in the region, including SI Plymouth