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Saturday, 27 July 2024

Club Officers 2015-16


 President Wendy Pic

Wendy Ashley

I have lived in Brixham almost all my life, moving here with my parents when I was three years old.

I attended local schools and trained and worked as a secretary for many years before spreading my  wings and working in Spain and later in Norway.

I met married and Peter in 1968 and we have three grownup children all married and 4 grandchildren.

We have two sons who work in our garages and a daughter who is a district nurse.

Since the early 1990's I started to buy flats and cottages to let, some for holidays and others for permanent lets. This has proved to be very successful and I also look after properties for members of my family.

I recently ran a card and gift shop with four friends which we closed after ten successful years due to a large "chain store" type shop opening nearby.

My hobbies are keeping chickens and ducks, some gardening, mostly vegetables, and helping in the local hospital in the L.O. Friends coffee shop. I have just started bowling.

My main hobby was bee-keeping, after quite a few years I became very allergic to bee stings to the point of total collapse and now have to carry two epi-pens everywhere. The ambulance has had to be called twice and thanks to the paramedics I am still here to tell the tale. Needless to say the bees have had to go.

Since becoming a Soroptimist I have taken part in numerous activities and have hosted events to help raise funds for Programme Action projects.

President Elect



Pru Preston


Vice President




Wenona Pappin



Ann Lamswood


Sue Masters - Gill Franklin