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Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Current Club News

Santa Fun Run 2022

Brixham Soroptimists and The Brixham Harriers were very pleased to be able to hand over a cheque for £3,000 to The Brixham Food Bank following the Santa Run last December. This very successful event is becoming a popular date for many folk in Brixham and around the bay. Thanks to the generosity of our many supporters a street collection was held which raised £318.62. A huge thank you to everyone who took part, helped with the organisation and to The Brixham Yacht Club for the use of their premises for registration and also for allowing us to have the cheque presentation at the club.
The Santa Run this year will be on Sunday 3rd December, a date for your diaries, an event not to be missed.

Santa Fun Run Cheque 2023

The photograph shows Gill Franklin from SI Brixham and Susan Lyle from the Harriers handing the cheque to Elizabeth Lakey from The Food Bank and members of SI Brixham and The Harriers