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Monday, 10 February 2025

Program Action News

Beat The Drum

Beat The Drum





On Sunday 1st August 2010, we organised a display on the old fish quay to mark the coming into force of the international ban on Cluster Munitions. The Brixham event which was watched by many people, was helped by the local Samba Jam Band which are a fairly new local band with ages ranging from 5 years to “vintage”. Informative leaflets were distributed, Purple Teardrop campaign petitions signed and a great deal of interest was shown.

We are at present filling shoe boxes with toiletries, snacks etc., which will be sent to the frontline troops in Afghanistan to mark the International Day of Peace in September.




Message from Kate Moore (SI Nantwich)




Dear President and members of SI Brixham

I am working at the 1st Meeting of States Parties of the Cluster Munition Convention in Lao

This morning the CMC officially issued their report on the Entry into Force on the 1st August.    You cannot imagine how proud I was to be a Soroptimist when I turned to the page for the UK.   There were only two short entries, one from the CMC for their event in London, and.......... they had chosen to report on and show your photograph.   Once again, our Soroptimist name is before over 500 campaigners here, and also the many official country delegates who are attending this conference.

I have borrowed a Serbian friends computer - so can you please share this exciting news with your Region PA Officer and if possible Hilary Ratcliffe


Warmest congratulations to you all

Excitedly, in Soroptimist friendship


Kate Moore
(SI Nantwich)

Board of Directors
AOAV  Action  on Armed Violence (formerly Landmine Action)