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Sunday, 13 October 2024

Program Action News

SI Brixham Tukuk 2020

After attending a SIGBI conference some years ago, we watched a presentation given by Mary Storrie, founder of the Rosie May Foundation Pink Tuktuk project.

The project was set up to help women and children in Sri Lanka after the Christmas tsunamis of 2004 and our club decided we would like to help.

After many many months we produced a hand embroidered double quilt which consisted of some of the International flowers of some of the Soroptimist countries.

   Quilt Full croppedRosie May Quilt

Then after many more months of selling raffle tickets at various events we managed to raise enough money to cover buying a Tuktuk and training women to drive and maintain it.


SI Brixham Pink TukTuk


Just recently the daughter of one of our members was holidaying in Sri Lanka and was able to visit Project Hope, a school set up by the Rosie May Foundation. She was picked up by one of the women drivers in the pink Tuktuk with Brixham Soroptimist logo on the back. A very proud moment for our members to see their hard work had come to fruition.