Current Club News
quiz 2014
Berry Head Hotel held a quiz night in aid of SI Brixham and raised £430 which the Soroptimists are putting towards President Jane's charity "Brixham Does Care".
christmas collection 2013
Brixham Soroptimists (President Jane Lancaster) and the Rotary Club of Brixham joined forces when doing their Christmas street collections to collect on behalf of the Brixham Museum. A total of £800 was handed over to a very grateful Museum.
Annual Dinner 65th
The club’s 65th Annual Dinner Dance was held at the Berry Head Hotel on Saturday 9th November. David Satchwell latterly of the Brixham Ghost Walk was the guest speaker. He gave an interesting speech telling tales of ghostly happenings saying that this was his final performance.
As usual we had a lovely meal and then there was dancing to Drew Millen.
President Jane being playfully strangled by David.
Steam Rally
Once again in August we served teas for the three days of the Steam Rally, raising in excess of £1,600 for our chosen charities
Cream Teas
The local Hospital and League of Friends organised a fundraising Garden Party in July and asked members of SI Brixham to provide the cream teas
Buckfast Abbey
In July several members of SI Brixham enjoyed a wonderful day out to Buckfast Abbey
Summer Fair 2013
One of the first fundraising events in Jane's Presidential Year was the Summer Fair on the Quay. This year we were lucky enough to be able to have a date in June and the weather was most kind to us after the torrential down pour we had the previous summer.
We raised a total of £360 for our charities.
Tutti Fruitti
The last fundraising event of President Jean's year was a "Tutti Fruitti Evening" hosted by President Elect Jane Lancaster and Pru Preston at Pru's home which raised £420.