Current Club News
Cheque Presentation 2023
Cheque Presentations to our Charities
Brixham Soroptimists were pleased to present a cheque to both Nightstop and to St. Mary’s Youth Group
Photograph of the cheque presentation held at Churston Golf Club and shows Presidents Anne Stokes and Chrissie Hannaford presenting the cheques to Charlie Turner and Rev. Stephen Yates.
Craft4Crafters 30/03 - 01/04 2023
Brixham Soroptimists had a stand at the Craft 4 Crafters show at Westpoint in Exeter to display the work that the club do.
The show was a great success and we displayed the quilt that members made for the Tuk Tuk and the breast care cushions that we make for the breast care unit at Torbay Hospital.
The photo shows two club members Sue Salter and Marion Dart.
Leaflets were given to many of the visitors about the work that our clubs partake in and we shared a spot at the show with SI Plymouth
Skittles Evening Feburary 2023
Soroptimists skittles evening held at St Mary’s Bowling Club.
President Chrissie preparing to get a strike
Santa Fun Run 2022
Brixham Soroptimists and The Brixham Harriers were very pleased to be able to hand over a cheque for £3,000 to The Brixham Food Bank following the Santa Run last December. This very successful event is becoming a popular date for many folk in Brixham and around the bay. Thanks to the generosity of our many supporters a street collection was held which raised £318.62. A huge thank you to everyone who took part, helped with the organisation and to The Brixham Yacht Club for the use of their premises for registration and also for allowing us to have the cheque presentation at the club.
The Santa Run this year will be on Sunday 3rd December, a date for your diaries, an event not to be missed.
The photograph shows Gill Franklin from SI Brixham and Susan Lyle from the Harriers handing the cheque to Elizabeth Lakey from The Food Bank and members of SI Brixham and The Harriers
Charter Lunch 2022
Soroptimist International of Brixham held its 74th Charter lunch at the Berry Head Hotel on 6th November.
Sixty plus people sat down and enjoyed a delicious meal together with representatives from several other Soroptimist clubs including 12 members from Bilston.
Valerie Nuttall the new Regional President proposed a toast to the Brixham club and we were entertained by Brenda Loosemore who gave a hilarious talk about her life and experiences in amateur entertainment.
Finally Margaret Inett, our oldest member who transferred to Brixham from Bilston 15 years ago was honoured for her 72 years of service to Soroptimism.
Harvest Supper 2022
Our Harvest Supper this year was held at Home Farm Kitchen
on the 22nd of September.
The speaker for the evening was Reverend Dr Simon Bloxam-Rose (Deputy Priest in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen)
two members decided to liven the evening up whilst they were waiting on table
with some very special aprons.
Everone enjoyed a delicious meal and the speaker was most entertaining.
Speaker Meeting 21st July 2022
Our regional president Jackie Collins joined SI Brixham for their speaker meeting at Brixham Rugby Club.
The speaker was local author Lesley Pearse who is a global No.1 bestseller with sales of over 10 million copies of her books worldwide to date.
We were privileged to hear Lesley speak about her personal life and how she finds inspiration for her books.
Joint President Chrissie and Anne with Lesley and Jackie |
cheque presentation 2014
Members of SI Brixham have worked tirelessly throughout the year at various events to raise money for charity and this picture shows from left to right, Brixham Soroptimist President Jane Lancaster and President-Elect Chris Hunt handing over a cheque for £4,000 to Emma Mahon of Brixham Does Care.